MS46122B 是包含三種 PC 控制的小型 ShockLine 矢量網絡分析儀系列,頻率范圍為 1 MHz - 8/20/43.5 GHz。該系列采用 ShockLine VNA 芯片級技術,簡化了內部 VNA 架構,提高了頻率,降低了設備成本,加強了準確度和測量可重復性。
MS46122B 全系列產品都是低成本全反向 2 端口 VNA,專為制造、工程和教育領域的射頻和微波應用而設計。所有三種 MS46122B VNA 的掃描速度均為每點 130 微秒,高于 100 dB 動態范圍,適合各類設備測試應用。
這些全新 VNA 采用非常緊湊的 1U 機箱封裝,通過連接用戶 PC 上的 USB 可以實現外部控制,用戶 PC 上需運行和 VNA ShockLine 系列其他產品相同的圖形用戶界面 (GUI) 軟件。該系列沒有任何機載內存,簡化了其在安全應用中的使用。該 MS46122B 系列 VNA 成本更低、體積小巧且性能良好,是要求高性能和小尺寸的無源設備測試應用的理想選擇。
Precision Automatic Calibrator Modules
Model Number | Description |
MN25208A | 2-port USB SmartCal Module, 300 kHz to 8.5 GHz (available with connector options: -001 N(f), -002 K(f), -003 3.5 mm(f) |
MN25408A | 4-port USB SmartCal Module, 300 kHz to 8.5 GHz (available with N(f) connectors) |
MN25218A | 2-port USB SmartCal Module, 1 MHz to 20 GHz (available with K(f) connectors) |
MN25418A | 4-port USB SmartCal Module, 300 kHz to 20 GHz (available with K(f) connectors) |
36585K-2M | K Precision AutoCal Module, 70 kHz to 40 GHz, K(m) to K(m) |
36585K-2F | K Precision AutoCal Module, 70 kHz to 40 GHz, K(f) to K(f) |
36585K-2MF | K Precision AutoCal Module, 70 kHz to 40 GHz, K(m) to K(f) |
2000-1809-R | Serial to USB Adapter (required for 36585 AutoCal module if control PC does not have a serial port) |
Mechanical Calibration Kits
Model Number | Description |
3650A | SMA/3.5 mm Calibration Kit, Without Sliding Loads, DC to 26.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
3650A-1 | SMA/3.5 mm Calibration Kit, With Sliding Loads, DC to 26.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
3652A | K Connector Calibration Kit, Without Sliding Loads, DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω |
3653A | N Connector Calibration Kit, Without Sliding Loads, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
OSLN50A-8 | Precision N Male Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 8 GHz, 50 Ω |
OSLNF50A-8 | Precision N Female Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 8 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLN50A-8 | Precision N Male Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 8 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLNF50A-8 | Precision N Female Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 8 GHz, 50 Ω |
OSLN50A-18 | Precision N Male Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
OSLNF50A-18 | Precision N Female Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLN50A-18 | Precision N Male Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLNF50A-18 | Precision N Female Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLK50A-20 | Precision K Male Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 20 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLKF50A-20 | Precision K Female Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 20 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLK50A-40 | Precision K Male Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLKF50A-40 | Precision K Female Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee, DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLK50A-43.5 | Precision K Male Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee with S1P data, DC to 43.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
TOSLKF50A-43.5 | Precision K Female Through/Open/Short/Load Mechanical Calibration Tee with S1P data, DC to 43.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
Verification Kits
Model Number | Description |
3663-3 | N Connector Verification Kit |
3668-4 | 43.5 GHz K Connector Verification Kit |
Cables and Adapters
Model Number | Description |
1091-26-R | SMA(m) to N(m), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
1091-27-R | SMA(f) to N(m), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
1091-80-R | SMA(m) to N(f), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
1091-81-R | SMA(f) to N(f), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
71693-R | Ruggedized adapter, K(f) to N(f), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
34NK50 | Precision Adapter, N(m) to K(m), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
34NKF50 | Precision Adapter, N(m) to K(f), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
34NFK50 | Precision Adapter, N(f) to K(m), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
34NFKF50 | Precision Adapter, N(f) to K(f), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ω |
K220B | Precision Adapter, K(m) to K(m), DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω |
K222B | Precision Adapter, K(f) to K(f), DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω |
K224B | Precision Adapter, K(m) to K(f), DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ω |
33KK50C | Calibration Grade Adapter, K(m) to K(m), DC to 43.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
33KKF50C | Calibration Grade Adapter, K(m) to K(f), DC to 43.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
33KFKF50C | Calibration Grade Adapter, K(f) to K(f), DC to 43.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
34VFK50A | Precision Adapter, V(f) to K(m), DC to 43.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
34VFKF50A | Precision Adapter, V(f) to K(f), DC to 43.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
34VK50A | Precision Adapter, V(m) to K(m), DC to 43.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
34VKF50A | Precision Adapter, V(m) to K(f), DC to 43.5 GHz, 50 Ω |
Test Port Cables, Flexible, Ruggedized, Phase Stable
Model Number | Description |
15NNF50-1.0B | Test Port Cable, Flexible, Phase Stable, 1.0 m (39”), DC to 18 GHz, N(f) to N(m), 50 Ω |
15NNF50-1.5B | Test Port Cable, Flexible, Phase Stable, 1.5 m (59”), DC to 18 GHz, N(f) to N(m), 50 Ω |
15NN50-1.0B | Test Port Cable, Flexible, Phase Stable, 1.0 m (39”), DC to 18 GHz, N(m) to N(m), 50 Ω |
15LL50-1.0A | Test Port Cable, Armored, Phase Stable, 1.0 m (39”), DC to 20 GHz, 3.5 mm(m) to 3.5 mm(m), 50 Ω |
15LLF50-1.0A | Test Port Cable, Armored, Phase Stable, 1.0 m (39”), DC to 20 GHz, 3.5 mm(m) to 3.5 mm(f), 50 Ω |
15KK50-1.0A | Test Port Cable, Armored, Phase Stable, 1.0 m (39”), DC to 20 GHz, K(m) to K(m), 50 Ω |
15KKF50-1.0A | Test Port Cable, Armored, Phase Stable, 1.0 m (39”), DC to 20 GHz, K(m) to K(f), 50 Ω |
3671KFS50-60 | Test Port Cable, Flexible, Phase Stable, DC to 26.5 GHz, K(f) to 3.5 mm(m), 63.5 cm, 50 Ω |
3671KFK50-60 | Test Port Cable, Flexible, Phase Stable, DC to 40 GHz, K(f) to K(m), 63.5 cm (25 in), 50 Ω |
3671KFKF50-60 | Test Port Cable, Flexible, Phase Stable, DC to 40 GHz, K(f) to K(f), 63.5 cm (25 in), 50 Ω |
3671KFK50-100 | Test Port Cable, Flexible, Phase Stable, DC to 40 GHz, K(f) to K(m), 1 m (38 in), 50 Ω |
806-304-R | Flexible Phase Stable Cable, DC to 40 GHz, 36 in (91.5 cm), K(m) – K(f), 50? |
806-423-R | Flexible Phase Stable Cable, DC to 43.5 GHz, 24 in (61 cm), K(f) – K(f), 50 ? |
806-424-R | Flexible Phase Stable Cable, DC to 43.5 GHz, 24 in (61 cm), K(m) – K(f), 50 ? |
806-425-R | Flexible Phase Stable Cable, DC to 43.5 GHz, 1 m (39.4 in), K(f) – K(f), 50 ? |
806-426-R | Flexible Phase Stable Cable, DC to 43.5 GHz, 1 m (39.4 in), K(m) – K(f), 50 ? |
Phase-Stable 18 GHz, 40 GHz, and 43.5 GHz Semi-Rigid Cables (Armored)
Model | Description |
3670N50-1 | Test Port Cable, Armored, Semi-rigid, 30.48 cm (1 ft), DC to 18 GHz, N(m) to N(f), 50 Ω |
3670N50-2 | Test Port Cable, Armored, Semi-rigid, 60.96 cm (2 ft), DC to 18 GHz, N(m) to N(f), 50 Ω |
3670NN50-1 | Test Port Cable, Armored, Semi-rigid, 30.48 cm (1 ft), DC to 18 GHz, N(m) to N(m), 50 Ω |
3670NN50-2 | Test Port Cable, Armored, Semi-rigid, 60.96 cm (2 ft), DC to 18 GHz, N(m) to N(m), 50 Ω |
3670K50A-1 | Test Port Cable, Armored, Semi-rigid, 30.48 cm (1 ft), DC to 43.5 GHz, K(m) to K(f), 50 Ω |
3670K50A-2 | Test Port Cable, Armored, Semi-rigid, 60.96 cm (2 ft), DC to 43.5 GHz, K(m) to K(f), 50 Ω |
Model Number | Description |
01-200 | Calibrated Torque End Wrench, GPC-7 and Type N |
01-201 | Torque End Wrench, 5/16 in, 0.9 N.m (8 lbf·in) (for tightening male devices, for SMA, 3.5 mm, 2.4 mm, K, and V connectors) |
01-203 | Torque End Wrench, 13/16 in, 0.9 N.m (8 lbf·in) (for tightening ruggedized SMA, 2.4 mm, K and V test port connectors) |
01-204 | End Wrench, 5/16 in, Universal, Circular, Open-ended (for SMA, 3.5 mm, 2.4 mm, K, and V connectors) |
Anritsu has partnered with the following industry-leading companies to provide a variety of proven material measurement capabilities that are compatible with the VectorStar and ShockLine vector network analyzer families.
Material Measurements
![]() | Compass Technology Choose from off-the-shelf or custom-designed RF material measurement systems able to measure material properties from 100 MHz to 90 GHz. These solutions include: focused beam, resonant cavity, waveguides, spot probes, free space measurement systems, and more. Anritsu and Compass Technology Group Material Measurements Solutions Compass Technology Group VectorStar Integration [video] |
Keycom Technologies Select from a variety of material measurement solutions that leverage various methods including: resonator, frequency change, probe type, co-axial tube and waveguide type S-parameter, free space, capacitance, epsilometery, and more. Anritsu and Keycom Material Measurement Solution | |
![]() | SWISSto12 Providing hardware and software technology capable of measuring: solid samples; soft sample and foam; liquid samples and powder; thin films; dielectric coatings and multilayer materials; alumina plate; and more. Anritsu and SWISSto12 Material Measurement Solution |